Someone Doesn’t Join the Game!


Direct Has Joined the Game!

Nintendo is Switching it up this holiday season and the party rolls on. Announced at the 2018 E3, Super Smash Bros Ultimate is the cool, older sibling to the previous reigning predecessor, though yesterday was the final release of the new characters. This triumphant trio has impressed players around the globe and television screen, worming its way onto every list for Santa.
Starting strong, the first addition that made its way into Twitter’s grasp was that of the new playable characters. Off the streets and into the crossfire, Ken—and echo fighter Ryu—of Street Fighter have made their way into the Smash Bros universe, bringing heavy kick-based attacks to the table. Along with the martial artists comes the fire evolution Incineroar, also using wrestling type techniques along with its flesh counterparts, yet unlike its Pokemon brethren. Lastly comes the most controversial character in the new addition, taking quite a bite in the gaming world.
The Mario World’s Piranha Plant has firmly dug its roots into the Smash scene, making its debut before many other more human characters. Although many have their doubts about this green friend, some are quite happy about its addition, one Twitter user MarioBrothBlog states, “I apologize as I usually do not post personal opinions on this account, but I would like to thank Masahiro Sakurai and the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate team from the bottom of my heart for their inclusion of Piranha Plant as a playable fighter. Regular posting will now resume.” Yet not only does the controversy center around the soil based player, but to that of Waluigi, one lost to the winds of Nintendo. Despite his brother, Wario, having his place of fame on the Smash Player Select wall of fame, the purple relative is not his echo. Maireadsparade questions, “I’m sorry but how did a mostly stationary, non-talking monster like Pirhana plant become a Super Smash character before Waluigi?”
This discussion is not the most pressing on Nintendo’s plate, yet it is the one of the most laughable, who do you want to see next?