The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

  • April 24Congratulations to Vy Lam and Alex Pacheco for being Mr. and Ms. Cass High School!
The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet


Are you going trick or treating this year???

  • No! I’m too scared!!!! (67%, 6 Votes)
  • Yes!!! You’re never too old to go trick or treating!!! (22%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes?? What kind of a question is this? (11%, 1 Votes)
  • No??? I’m too old! I’m not a baby!!! (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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Embracing the End: Memory Making for Cass Seniors


As the end of the year rapidly approaches, seniors begin to realize they’re about to graduate. Things get real, and they feel that they need to hurry up and make high school memories before it’s too late. But don’t worry, teachers have seen realization and panic firsthand, and now our school has a ton of senior events so seniors can ease their leaving anxiety. From the senior sunset to the senior breakfast and Baccalaureate, Cass High offers a memorable send-off for its graduating class. See the calendar below for a full list of events for the Class of 2024.



Honors Night: Chosen students come get the awards they’ve won for excelling throughout the school year on Tuesday the 14th at 5:30 pm, invitation only 

Senior sunset: Seniors are getting together to see the sunset and as is tradition, watch High School Musical 3 on Friday the 17th at 7:00 pm 

Baccalaureate: This year baccalaureate is on the 16th at 6:00pm. Make sure to wear your cap and gown. 

Field Day: Some seniors are throwing together a nostalgic field day for their peers on Monday the 20th at 12 

Senior breakfast: This event will take place at Cartersville First Baptist Church on Tuesday the 21st at 9:30 am 

Graduation practice: On Wednesday the 22nd, at 11:45 am, students MUST attend graduation practice to walk at graduation. So, they can make sure everything runs smoothly for graduation 

Graduation: The big day’s almost here! All that is left is to walk the stage and get a diploma, so don’t be late! On May 23rd, at 6:30 pm.


It is encouraged that students try to make it to the events they can, in the words of Mr. Page, as their final hurrah. When students go to these events, they get to look back at all they’ve accomplished and all the grand adventures to come. It gives them the sense that they’ve made it, and it’s a time to celebrate and commemorate the past few years. Also, these events are overall fun and a meaningful way for the seniors to hang out with their peers and see their teachers one more time before the beginning of their adult adventures. According to senior Samantha Thum, she has enjoyed being able to go to and experience events such as the student vs. teacher basketball game one more time before she starts her college journey. “It was goofy and a mess and everything high school (shouldn’t be?).” Additionally, Sam thinks these events would be a great time to say goodbye and begin processing leaving. 



Additionally, note that next week is senior week. So be sure to dress up for all of the themes!


Some Words from Some Seniors 

In addition to the tributes they made throughout the article, the seniors left some advice to the other classes. Samantha Thum’s advice to the juniors and upcoming ninth graders is “to go all in. It’s not cool to be detached and do what you’re interested in… (and know) we’re all supposed to make mistakes.”

According to Abby McConnel, “My advice is to not give up easily, because I know I gave up as a freshman and yes it will be hard but as soon as you get the hang of it, it’s going to get better and better. So just remember to stay out of trouble, and don’t get ISS kids.”

Last, Alex Pacheco’s words of wisdom are, “Do everything with passion, if you’re doing something that isn’t fueling your fire, and it’s not meaningful to you, don’t pursue it, because you’re just wasting yours and everybody’s time. Whether it’s like a club or something bigger it’s always good to find passion in the things you do.” 


One Last Appeal to seniors

Don’t be the ones to miss these events! Come and celebrate your final hurrahs. In the words of Sam, it’s a great last time to experience the fun and goofiness of high school and enjoy your final days as a Cass Colonel.


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