The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

  • April 24Congratulations to Vy Lam and Alex Pacheco for being Mr. and Ms. Cass High School!
The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet


Are you going trick or treating this year???

  • No! I’m too scared!!!! (67%, 6 Votes)
  • Yes!!! You’re never too old to go trick or treating!!! (22%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes?? What kind of a question is this? (11%, 1 Votes)
  • No??? I’m too old! I’m not a baby!!! (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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Why Reading Matters

Throughout the entirety of March and April, there are numerous diverse, fun holidays dedicated to reading. These holidays include Read Across America Week, National Library Week, and many more. With this, the commonly asked question may arise: why does reading matter? In high school, it’s easy for teenagers to put off or altogether forget to read because there are many more important things for them to worry about and other things to keep them entertained. As suggested by the name of the article, Teens today spend more time on digital media and less time reading. Teens do not prioritize enriching their brains. According to the author, “In recent years, less than 20 percent of U.S. teens report reading a book, magazine or newspaper daily for pleasure, while more than 80 percent say they use social media every day.” High school can feel overwhelming. Between tests, projects, and the pressure to figure out your future, finding time to relax can feel like a luxury, and the last thing students want to do in their free time is to read a book. They would much rather scroll their phones, however, the act of reading is both powerful and relaxing, and here’s why:

1. Reading is Your Ticket to Everywhere (Without Leaving Your Room):  

According to sophomore Blake Gardener, “When you read you get to live in a world that isn’t real and you get to experience another life, and walk in the shoes of the characters.” Craving Adventure? Dive into a good fantasy novel, battle dragons, and explore mystical worlds. Want to understand a different culture’s history? Pick up a historical fiction book and walk in someone else’s shoes. Reading lets people experience anything they can imagine, all from the comfort of their couch. Additionally, Kayla Jackson the Cass High Media Specialist, shared, “I grew up in a very small town. So there wasn’t a whole lot to do, but it kind of gave me an idea of what the world outside of my small town looks like. And not just that, it was also very entertaining.” Ms. Jackson’s experience perfectly shows the magic of reading. It grants people the ability to explore infinite worlds, without ever leaving their homes. 

2. Boost Brainpower (Academic Success): 

Studies show that reading strengthens student’s minds in a lot of ways. It improves vocabulary, and it can even make them sound smarter. Reading enhances a person’s focus and memory, which is helpful when cramming for big tests and exams. The more students read the more they are exposed to different writing styles and techniques. This subconsciously helps them become better writers. Strong writing skills are crucial for things such as college applications and essays, so consider reading a secret weapon in the war that is high school.

3. Escape the Filter Bubble (Because Social Media is Not the Whole Story):

Social media can be very one-sided, feeding people the information they already agree with on their recommended and for-you pages. However, reading exposes students to diverse perspectives and viewpoints they might not have considered before. It helps them develop critical thinking skills and form their own opinions, as well as important life skills that go way beyond high school.

4. Rest and Relaxation (Find Peace With a Good Book)

Unlike screens that emit stimulating lights, a book creates a calming environment. As people lose themselves in a story, the worries of the day fade away, replaced by the captivating world on the pages. Reading gently focuses people’s minds, easing them into a state of tranquility that is perfect for unwinding after a long day. Books of all genres offer a relaxing escape that prepares students for a restful night’s sleep.

How Cass is supporting reading 

This year, Cass High is supporting reading in numerous ways, including the monthly reading raffle, and hosting new and innovative activities in the library to boost reading morale. An example of these activities is the book Speed Dating which was held throughout last month. Sarah Turner Cass High’s Reading Intervention specialist, also mentioned Cass is doing a Readers Walk of Fame to acknowledge students who have made good progress with reading throughout the year. Additionally, this week is National Library Week, and to celebrate, the library is planning to do a giveaway. For every book a student checks out their name gets one entry into the drawing. The drawing will be this Friday, and entries need to be in before 2:30. In addition, during certain lunch periods through the week, Jackson and her library interns will have book carts in the cafeteria so students can check out books while they eat. 

It’s Okay to Choose A Book by its Cover (How To Pick A Book)

With both contributions from Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Jackson here is a list of ways to find a good book. 

  • One thing both Turner and Jackson mentioned was that they like scrolling the web and using apps like Goodreads and Likewise to find a book that piques their interest. Seeing what their peers enjoy and what others like helps influence how they choose a book.
  • Students can also look for genres, authors, and topics they like and or are interested in. 
  • Another thing that is popularly unencouraged is to judge a book by its cover. A book’s cover gives insight into the personality and soul of a book. If a book has a nice cover or an eye-catching title people are more likely to pick it up.
  • “It can also depend on a student’s purpose of reading,” said Turner. Students can read for information in a class, or just for fun. 

Furthermore, Cass High School has a club dedicated to readers waiting to discuss books and help students explore different genres and topics. The Cass High’s Book Club meets for twenty minutes every Tuesday morning from 8:00-8:20. During club time, students pick books, read, discuss, and get insights into books that could be their next read. As peers discuss, it gives other students insight into what books they may enjoy and ideas of what their next read should be.

Further Advice 

Not every book is going to be a match. If something feels like a chore and is as fun as watching paint dry, ditch it and find something enjoyable. Everyone has a book that’s a perfect match for them, it is just a matter of finding it.                                                                                                                




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