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The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

The Student News Site of Cass High School

The Trumpet

Beat the Burnout: How to Jump into the new Semester!

As the new semester dawns, it brings all sorts of emotions and feelings all across the Cass High campus. Of course, there’s the typical excitement and nervousness of a fresh start. However, this time, it might feel different; contrary to the expected rush of the first semester, some students find themselves burnt out and lacking motivation. Don’t worry everyone gets into an energy slump now and then. With minor tweaks in students’ day-to-day lives, it’s possible to get over the energy slump, proving victorious in starting the new semester.


What could be the culprit behind an energy crisis?

  • A Burnout: The fast pace of the previous semester or external stressors can leave a feeling of mental and emotional depletion.
  • Unaccomplished Unrealistic Expectations: Setting impossibly high standards and not reaching them can lead to disappointment and discouragement.
  • Lack of purpose: If a student is unable to achieve goals both academically and outside of school, finding the drive to keep going can be challenging.
  • Environmental Factors: Poor sleep, unhealthy eating habits, and toxic relationships can significantly impact a person’s energy levels and focus.


Rekindling the Fire

Big contributors to overcoming burnout include keeping energized and staying Motivated. According to senior Kaitlyn Smith, “It’s really hard, whenever you get down in the dumps, and just, you feel like you’re not achieving as well as you should be, you’re, you feel like you’re not as good as your peers are, and you feel like you’re not just achieving as well as you have been in the past.” This quote shows a burnout in its prime. With this time of year and trying to get back in the swing of things is the fate most students succumb to is suffering a burnout. However, there is a way to persevere as Smith says, “My way to overcome that is just to make sure that I stay motivated. I find my motivation through my future, looking forward to college and saying, Hey, Kaitlynn, you’re doing bad right now, you need to get this up so that you can get into college.” This example from Kaitlynn shows that everyone needs some Motivation to keep going. As a student, there are numerous practical strategies to boost energy and motivation some of which include:


Ways to Stay Motivated


  1. Embracing Small Wins:

Start by setting achievable goals. Break down overwhelming tasks into smaller tasks and celebrate each completed step of the way. Completing a small task leaves a person with a good feeling and can fuel their motivation to tackle the next challenge that comes their way. Additionally, acknowledging and celebrating accomplishments, and recognizing progress keeps students motivated and reinforces their willingness to learn.


  1. Prioritize Self-Care:

High schoolers are not machines, prioritizing self-care needs to be a necessity. Getting enough sleep, 7-8 hours, eating nutritious meals, and keeping toxic people away. These habits fuel the body and mind and enhance energy and focus.


  1. Schedule for Success:

Additionally, students can create a realistic schedule that balances academic and work commitments with breaks for relaxation and fun activities. Allowing time for socializing hobbies and enjoyable pursuits is essential for emotional well-being. Experimenting with different study environments and techniques can also help students thrive in the new year. Some people might work better in study cram scenarios, while others might benefit from study hauls with short mental breaks. Overall, it just depends on the type of person.


  1. Saying No:

Learning to say “no” is crucial. Students often burn out because they make too many commitments that leave them drained. Prioritizing well-being and gracefully declining requests that might hinder academic progress or personal sanity is crucial to preventing burnout. Everyone needs some balance in their life: from school, work, and social life, everyone needs time to rest.


  1. Looking for Support and Connection:

No one thrives in isolation. Building a support network of friends, family, or fellow students helps build students up. Especially if they understand the struggles of a high school student. Furthermore, people’s relationships can strain them and cause them to feel even more burnt out. According to sophomore Zamerikal Nation, she’s had friends who have strained her before; her advice is choosing the people with whom you surround yourself wisely, and not rushing into friendships, taking time to get to know and trust them. 


  1. Get Organized:

Furthermore, getting organized can help with setting achievable goals and help change mindsets for the new year. Some ways to get organized include establishing a routine and preplanning the day. According to Kaitlynn, “To-do lists are like my holy grail. Whenever I get organized, it helps me to just kind of walk myself through the day step by step.” Creating a to-do list can be a big help and is one of many ways to keep organized by setting up what needs to get done beforehand, and they keep students like Kaitlynn on track. 


  1. Seek Help When Needed:

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re struggling to cope with academic pressures or overwhelming emotions. Cass High has four counselors equipped with skills to support and guide the students. Throughout every trial and challenge, there is always someone there to help, whether it’s friends, teachers, or a counselor, everyone needs somebody.

Lastly, remember, no one is alone in their journey. With some self-compassion, strategic planning, and a willingness to seek help, navigating the semester with renewed energy and a new sense of purpose will be a walk in the park. 

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