The Antithesis of “Devious Licks”


At the start of September, with all the new back-to-school trends, a new one was tormenting public school restrooms. This trend was deemed as the “devious lick” trend where students would post and brag about their stolen or vandalized school property.

Most of these “licks” –defined as “a successful type of theft which results in an acceptable, impressive and rewarding payday for the protagonist” by Urban Dictionary– were stolen sinks, toilets, soap dispensers, etc. but some went out of their way to steal busses, keys to the school, and even a whole class set of microscopes.

Our very own Cass High School has fallen victim to these devious licks. Soap dispensers, urinals, toilet paper have all been reported missing.

“I’m very upset that everyone keeps stealing the soap because I can’t wash my hands,” said Senior Andrew Nguyen.

Various schools made public announcements and punished those responsible and eventually Tiktok had to ban the hashtag “deviouslick,” but many have made alternative ones. American daily middle-market Newspaper, USA Today reports, “In response, TikTok users have begun using alternative hashtags and keywords such as #despicablelicks.”

Despite others finding a way to sustain the trend, a new and more virtuous trend began.

@jarvis posted on Twitter, “There’s a new trend called ‘angelic yields’ where people atone for their devious licks by giving back to the school.”

Students are now doing the opposite and blessing the school restrooms by recording themselves either reversing the damage or providing materials like soap and toilet paper to the restroom while jazz plays in the background.

Most of the videos made have been using the same song, which has been used in over 8,000 videos. The trend itself has been hashtagged as “angelicyield” with 40 million views.

@ssalladd says in one of his videos, “Just hit the most gentle and virtuous yield,” and records himself providing every sink a bar of soap. He also goes above and beyond and sets up a mini-fridge inside the restroom in another video.

@ryan..ho made a video of his school restroom being decorated with colorful LED lights. He says, “Somebody hit the most angelic yield [with] Brand new LEDs.”

Although some of the videos are silly, as they were meant to be, it is nice to see that a negative, destructive trend has evolved into something positive and good-willed.

In his own video, @typicalxiv_ said, “The progression to the angelic yield is one of the most interesting things this app has brought us.”