Here’s Your Sign

Cass High School football season is under way, and our construction class is making and selling signs to enable all to show their Colonel Pride.
Jason Arnold’s second period Intro to Construction class is turning heads with their “spirit yard signs.” The signs cost 20 dollars and are large wooden cutouts of footballs with the number of the player of choice painted on them. The students cut them out in the shop and then Kendrick Green, Thomas England, and Brooke Hope paint the signs and prepare them to be sold to parents and students who want to support a Cass High football player. Five signs have been sold so far and all the proceeds go back to the class.
Dr. Moore, one of the vice principals at Cass, purchased a sign saying, “I wanted to support not only my son who is the quarterback on the football team, but I also wanted to support programs here at the school.” Jason Arnold says, “We hope to sell many more signs throughout the football season. The kids really enjoy making the signs and I really enjoy seeing the kids learning things while having fun.”
The kids seem to enjoy making the signs and feel great about themselves. One student who helps to build the signs says, “Coach Arnold’s class is my favorite class now. It’s cool to get up and do something for a class because I have to sit and listen in all of my other classes. It’s also cool to see the end result of the signs.”
Thus far, the signs have done exactly what Coach Arnold planned them to do. He says, “The kids are learning, the construction department is getting some extra funds, and most importantly the kids are feeling good about themselves. I like seeing the kids interested in learning, and I’m glad they took to the idea as openly as I did.”
Anyone interested in purchasing a sign should contact Coach Arnold at [email protected].