The Problem With Pimples

What’s up with pimples? A bunch of oils, dead skin, and bacteria built up in a ball of inflammation. On a positive note, pimples don’t ever discriminate against anyone. They don’t care if you have an important business meeting or if you’re on your way to take a once in a lifetime senior photo, pimples can and will decide to ironically land smack dab in the middle of your head. The pimple is a force to be reckoned with and it will make its big debut on your face.
There are various reasons why one can get pimples. Some people have blamed acne on poor skincare, but surprisingly skincare is only the tip of the iceberg for the multiple reasons for these bumps. Many environmental factors can play a role in acne that may lie on your skin. Including pollution and exposer to oil and grease, which can clog your pores, resulting in pimples. Sticky humid air increases oil production on your face triggering breakouts. Hormones are also a big factor in the production of pimples. This especially applies to women who may be on their menstruation cycle and or even teenagers whose bodies are releasing gonadotropin during puberty. “Acne is really driven by hormones, certainly the skin type we have which means genetics plays a role.” Dr. Sandra Lee states. Skin type can be on a spectrum of dry, oily, sensitive, or a combination of the three. Depending on your skin type is how and what pimples may even occur on your skin.
Pimples and acne can even come in many different varieties. The severity of a pimple may range from a blackhead to a daunting cyst. Common types are blackheads, whiteheads, papules, and cysts. Blackheads and whiteheads are relatively the same types. They both come from clogged pores and dead skin cells, but they vary in color. The pink papules may occur when the skin that surrounds your pores break down. Resulting in hard, clogged pores that are tender by touch. Chilling cysts develop from bacteria and clogged pores and occur deeper within the skin compared to other types of pimples. They are large red and white bumps that lead to infections and most likely scars.
Although very different all these pimples have a universal rule, never pop them! As satisfying as it may be to pop one it is not recommended. “Know when o pop and know when to stop” Dr. Sandra Lee exclaims. Popping pimples can be very harsh to the skin and end in results such as swelling, scars, dark spots, and even nasty infections. The body has a natural healing process when it involves pimples, so it is always best to leave it to your body.
No one ever said having a pimple or two was easy. It can do a lot to someone’s inner thoughts, even making it difficult for someone to be comfortable in their own skin. Society has almost trained many people to believe in unrealistic body standards, and pimples fall in that category. Having acne or a bad skin day is seen more like a blemish rather than something that is completely natural. “It makes me feel less beautiful because of how society has portrayed it. At home, it doesn’t bother me but if I must go outside it does, it’s almost like a constant reminder at the back of my mind.” Ester Frias expresses. Beauty is and will always be objective and no one can paint what “perfect” is beside yourself. Having a little red friend visit your face isn’t bad at all. Who said you can’t rock that pimply perfection?