Home Is Where Glenda Mitchell Is

Home Is Where Glenda Mitchell Is

Glenda Mitchell, a personal injury lawyer with billboards covering Bartow County and the surrounding areas. Not only does her law practice cover the town so does her presence in the mind of the teenagers in Bartow County. 

While the intention of her advertisements around town may be to ingrain Glenda’s name into residents in case of the event that they require a lawyer, they have captivated the high schoolers of Bartow County. For the past few years, residents of the area have been aware of the ever adding and changing billboards around town, and it became a known reference that she is the iconic woman of Bartow. The infatuation with her advertisements and brand hit an all-time high during quarantine from Corona-virus, which left students trapped inside with only social media and isolated drives to give them a chance in their day-to-day life. At the same time, Glenda Mitchell Law Firm drastically increased their online presence, sending free merchandise to people who requested it and highlighting those who wore it on their Instagram story. The reinforcement of seeing Glenda Mitchell in the main outlets available in their break from reality led to Glenda being associated with a sense of connection with peers. 

As the excitement around getting merchandise and the known reference of Glenda spread, it created a gateway into friendships and relationships that may not have happened before. Through fan accounts like glenda_my_savior on Instagram, teens from all over the county have the opportunity to experience the joy and pure comedy that comes from standing (enthusiastically supporting) the town’s local personal injury lawyer. Kendyl Hardin, a senior at Cass with copious Glenda Mitchell merchandise, describes Glenda Mitchell as “a queen.” This feeling spreads across the county with Logan Alvarez, a junior at Woodland, using the word “amazing” to describe her and her influence in the county. 

While on its surface the love for Glenda Mitchell is a funny infatuation, it reflects how drawn the kids in Bartow County are to positive community leaders. In a time with so much uncertainty, the littlest things can spark joy. The biggest of these little things are the Glenda Mitchell billboards around the town, making her a larger than life presence. Her ability to captivate a generation whose attention span and human interaction are at its lowest point changes the perception of Cartersville. It goes from a small town with little to nothing to do, to a home with the ability to connect with people through a shared interest. Twitter user planetgd said it best: “home is where Glenda Mitchell is 💓.”