Among the Darkness

December 13, 2019
How oft’ I sit among the darkness
While I acquit my selfish conscious
The moon is split just like a carcass
Upon the gritted wall that’s artless
A single beam of perfect luster
This moon’s soft sheen of which I wonder
Creates a dream that’s quick to fluster
Much like a scheme of its true sunder
The curtains mock the moonlight’s chorus
The siren gawks, its tune not gorgeous
But now a clock suspends the sorceress
While its great squawk relieves her purpose
A wand’ring cloud soon cloaks the beldam
My mind is plowed, all thought unwelcome
My sheets a shroud, the heartaches begun
I won’t avow the sirens foul hum
But now I lull myself to slumber
The hex is null, she cannot plunder
Disruptions culled but still remembered
Though it grows old for she did blunder