Cass High Announces 31 AP Scholars
(From left to right) Alice Draper, Emily Linek, Lexi Atilano, Joseph Forsyth, Caleb Doolittle, and Connor Bryson
Each year, hundreds of students take the Advanced Placement exams for their classes in an attempt to gain college credit. These tests are rigorous, and passing them is no easy feat.
This year, Cass has thirty-one AP Scholars, including six AP Scholars—Lexi Atilano, Caleb Doolittle, Alice Draper, and Joseph Forsyth, Alexa Halpern, and Emily Linek—still on campus.
The AP Scholars are Kendall Arnold, Lexi Atilano, Julia Belew, Connor Bryson, Trinity Byrd, Caleb Doolittle, Alice Draper, Ethan Etheridge, Joseph Forsyth, Brianna Gonsahn, Makayla Harlan, Mary (Molly) Kyle, Isabella Mann, Andrea Mosqueda Cruz, Reese Pirkle, Keegan Ruggles, Candice Simmons, Grace Weeks, and Reagan Wilson. The AP Scholars with Honor are Zachary Armstead, Alexa Halpern, Mia Jackman, Emily Linek, Cortaney Martin-Jones. The AP Scholars with Distinction are Robert (Reed) Barfield, Jenna Keeler, Colby-James (CJ) McKnight, Corbin Molnar, Garrett (Rett) Moore, Joshua Peace, and Zachary Thacker.
Each student is grateful for this award, and each believes that being an AP Scholar is a significant accomplishment. Caleb Doolittle—who passed AP Language, AP US History, and AP World History—says, “Personally, I see it more as a title of perseverance more than anything. It shows that the recipient is both crazy enough and dedicated enough to actually study, prepare, then pass the test.” Joseph Forsyth—who passed AP US History, AP Environmental Science, and AP Language—states, “I’m humbled to be part of a very exclusive group of my peers; all of them are a source of inspiration to me in one way or another. To share an achievement like this with these amazing folks is a huge honor.”
There are several kinds of awards College Board uses to recognize students for their achievement. To become an AP Scholar, a student needs to receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams. An AP Scholar with Honor has received an average score of 3.25 or higher on all AP exams taken and 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. An AP Scholar with Distinction has received an average score of 3.5 or higher on all AP exams taken and 3 or higher on five or more exams. State AP Scholar is granted to one male and one female in each state and the District of Columbia with scores of 3 or higher on the greatest number of AP exams and the highest average score on all AP exams taken. The award for National AP Scholar goes to the students in the U.S. who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.
AP tests are graded on a 1 through 5 scale, with three and higher being a passing grade. However, some colleges only accept fours and higher.
These exams are by no means easy, and even the AP Scholars have had their share of failures. Doolittle says, “I [failed] AP Spanish with a 1, but you win some, you lose some, right?” However, they recommend that students take the test. Lexi Atilano—who passed AP US History, AP Chemistry, and AP Language—states, “I definitely encourage students to take AP tests because even though it’s $90 to take, passing it could save you thousands in college tuition. Even if you don’t pass, you know what to expect in college and what will be taught.”
These students were invited to take a picture in the library on September 9, 2019, and the picture was included in a newspaper article with Woodland and Adairsville High’s AP Scholars.
On October 2, 2019, there will be a celebration in honor of all the AP students.
To read the Bartow County article, go to