Fields of Faith
On Wednesday, October 11th, the Bartow County Fellowship of Christian Athletes will host Fields of Faith at Cartersville High School, and everyone is welcome to participate.
Every year, across the country, Christian students gather in order to host Fields of Faith. Fields of Faith is a student-led event that normally consists of worship, testimonies, and skits that convey the word of God. Fields of Faith got its start when, “In 2002, Oklahoma Fellowship of Christian Athletes Area Director, Jeff Martin, prayed about what to do with his heartfelt frustration regarding the temptations and spiritual battles facing our more spectator generation youth. God led him to 2 Chronicles 34 for the answer. King Josiah, an influential teenager, gathered his people and challenged them to read God’s Word. As a result, they changed their culture,” says the Fields of Faith website. Fields of Faith grew two years at that high school before going national. The Fields of Faith website explains, “In 2004… more than 6,000 students gathered on school fields throughout Oklahoma, Texas [,] and Kansas or Fields of Faith. Through the student-led events, more than 100 students made decisions for Christ. Since that day hundreds of thousands of people have attended Fields of Faith and thousands have accepted Christ.”
Now Fields of Faith is a nationally recognized event and almost all FCA organizations host one including Bartow County’s FCA. All the schools’ FCA leaders are working together to make Fields of Faith as fun and as effective as possible. One FCA leader says, “Our goal is to lead as many people to Christ as possible. We plan to do this through showing people that you can still have fun while being a Christian.”
For now, FCA is still putting the finishing touches on the plan, but they predict that they will have a bigger turn-out than they have ever had before. Fields of Faith is taking place on the Cartersville High School
Weinman Stadium, 320 E. Church Street on Wednesday, October 11th 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
To get more information come to the FCA meetings every Friday morning at 7:30 in Cass High’s auxiliary gym.